27th CESH Congress, Paris-Nanterre 4-6 June 2024

The 27th CESH International Congress at the University of Paris Nanterre will be held on 4-6 June 2024 on the topic: « Making World(s). Sport Globalization & Olympism ». This congress is organised by the research centres ISP (Institute of Social Sciences of Politics, UMR 7220) and IDHE.S (Institutions and Historical Dynamics of Economy and Society, UMR 8533).

The congress webpage is available in English and in French. https://cesh2024upn.sciencescall.org/

Congress registration fees are available on the website, under « Registration fees » tab. Payment of conference fees is possible, once the scientific committee has reviewed your abstract proposals.

Please do not forget to pay your 2024 CESH membership fee separately.


For further informations on the congress, please contact: cesh2024upn@sciencesconf.org and/or p.charitas@parisnanterre.fr

2024 CESH Congress organiser: Dr Pascal Charitas

University lecturer, Sports historian, member of ISP (UMR 7220)

UFR STAPS, University of Paris Nanterre, Alice Milliat Building/Max Weber Building

200 Avenue de la République, 92000 Nanterre (France)