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Le sport comme construction européenne, 9 Nov 2017, Strasbourg (FR)

Uni Strasbourg, Palais Universitaire place de l'Université, Strasbourg, France

Voici le programme de la Journée d'étude européenne sur "Le sport et la construction européenne" le 9 novembre 2017 à Strasbourg : Affiche : 1_Affiche-Sport_Europe Programme détaillé : 2_affiche-progr_Sport-Europe_9nov2017  

Convegno annuale SISS, 10-11 nov. 2017, Vercelli (IT)

Vercelli Vercelli, Italie

Convegno annuale SISS (Sezione italiana del CESH), "Sport e rivoluzione", 10-11 novembre 2017, Vercelli (IT)   Esattamente un secolo fa, nell’autunno 1917, la Rivoluzione bolscevica cambiò il corso della storia. E nulla sarebbe stato più come prima anche nel campo … Continuer la lecture

21st International CESH Congress, 7-9 Dec 2017, Strasbourg (FR)

Le Portique, Université de Strasbourg 14, rue Descartes, Strasbourg, France

Denis Jallat, Jean Saint-Martin and their team at Strasbourg University (France) are busy preparing the 21st International CESH Congress, which will be held at the research centre Sport et Sciences Sociales (E3S) on 7-9 December 2017. . The topic of … Continuer la lecture

19th ISHPES International Congress, 2018, July 18-21, Münster (GER)

Uni. Münster, Franz-Hitze-Haus Kardinal-von-Galen-Ring 50, Münster, Germany

The International Society for the History of Physical Education and Sport (ISHPES) organizes its 19th International Congress to be held in Münster (Germany) in 2018, July 18-21. General topic: "Sport for All - History of a Vision Around the World". Organizer: … Continuer la lecture

CESH-SFHS Conference, 29-31 Oct 2018, Bordeaux (Fr)

STAPS Bordeaux 2 avenue Camille Jullian, Pessac, France

The next CESH conference will be held jointly with the French society SFHS. It will take place in Bordeaux (France), 29-31 October 2018. More information on the congress webpage at You can find the definitive programme of the congress … Continuer la lecture

BSSH Conference, 6-7 Sept 2019, Liverpool (UK)

Hope Park Campus, Childwall, Liverpool

The British Society of Sport History Annual Conference 2019 Liverpool Hope University   Hope Park Campus, Childwall, Liverpool . Friday 6th –Saturday 7th September 2019 This is an open themed conference. Submissions based on original research are welcomed from UK and overseas … Continuer la lecture

23rd inter. CESH congress, 12-14 Sept 2019, Lausanne (SUI)

Université de Lausanne Quartier UNIL-Mouline, Lausanne, Suisse

The 23rd international congress of CESH will be held at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), 12-14 September 2019. The congress topic is: "Youth(s), Sport(s), History". Congress organiser : Prof. Patrick Clastres More information will follow in due time.  

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